Lithium is an antimanic agent and, as a mood stabilizer, prevents the recurrence of mania or depression. It may be superior to placebo for bipolar depression but not for major depression.
翻訳 リチウムは抗躁薬であるが、気分安定薬として躁状態・うつ状態の再発を予防する。また、双極性障害(躁うつ病)に対して偽薬に比べて優れているが、大うつ病には効果が無い。
Lithium is an effective augmenting agent, and the condition of roughly half the patients who do not have a response to a single antidepressant improves when lithium is added.
翻訳 リチウムは附活剤として効果が高い。単独の抗うつ薬を服用しても反応が無い患者に対して、抗うつ薬にリチウムを加えるとおよそ半数の患者に改善が見られる。
The anticonvulsant lamorrigine reduces glutamatergic activity and has been used as an augmenting agent in major depressive disorder and for treating and preventing depressive relapse in bipolar disorder.
翻訳 抗けいれん薬lamorrigineは、グルタミン酸の作用を低減させるため、大うつ病の治療附活剤として、また両極性障害(躁うつ病)のうつ状態の再燃予防に使用されている。
Lamouigine can induce severe skin reactions, including the Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis, although gradual dose titration appears to reduce the risk.
翻訳 Lamouigine はスティーブンス・ジョンソン症候群(皮膚粘膜眼症候群)、表皮壊死といった重大な皮膚の反応を誘発することがある。しかし、投与量を次第に増やしていくことで、リスクを低減できるようだ。
Other mood stabilizers, including the anticonvulsants valproic acid, divalproex, and carbamazepine, are used to treat mania in bipolar disorder.
翻訳 その他の気分安定薬として、抗けいれん薬のバルプロ酸、divalproex やcarbamazepineが双極性障害(躁うつ病)の躁病治療薬として使用されている。
Divalproex or valproate may prevent a recurrence of bipolar depression.
翻訳 Divalproxあるいはvalproateは、双極性障害(躁うつ病)の再発を予防する。
Typical antipsychotic agents (e.g.,chlorpromazine,fluphenazine, and haloperidol) block the dopa-mine D2 receptor, whereas “atypical” antipsychotic agents (e.g., clozapine, olanzapine,risperidone,quetiapine, ziprasidone, and aripiprazole), like nefazodone, act as 5HT2A antagonists.
翻訳 定型的な抗精神病薬(例:chlorpromazine、fluphenazine、haloperidol)は、ドーパミンD2受容体を阻害し、一方、非定型抗精神病薬(例:clozapine,、olanzapine、risperidone、 quetiapine、 ziprasidone、aripiprazole)は、nefazodoneと同じように5HT2A拮抗薬として作用する。
Antipsychotic drugs are combined with antidepressants to treat depression with psychotic features.
翻訳 抗精神病薬が抗うつ薬と併用されるのは、精神病性の症状を伴ううつ病を治療するためである。
Atypical antipsychotic drugs are also used for treatment-resistant major depression and bipolar depression.
Although atypical antipsychotic drugs have a more favorable side-effect profile with respect to parkinsonism, akathisia, and tardive dyskinesia,some pose other risks, such as drug-induced arrhythmia, diabetes, weight gain, and hyperlipidemia.
Patients who present with the complex, variable clinical picture of major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder may require a multimodal approach that includes pharmacotherapy, education, and psychotherapy.
翻訳 患者が、大うつ病と両極性障害(繰うつ病)の入り組んだ様々な臨床像を示す場合、薬物療法、教育的指導、そして精神療法を含む多方面の方法が必要となるだろう。
Treatment requires the monitoring of clinical responses, including suicidal ideation or behavior and side effects.
翻訳 治療に際しては、自殺念慮や自殺に及ぶ行動、そして副作用を含む臨床的反応を観察する必要がある。
To encourage adherence to therapy, education of both patients and their families must emphasize the fact that the effects of antidepressant medication take time.
翻訳 治療への専念を促すため、患者の両親と家族に対して、抗うつ薬治療の効果が現れるまでには時間を要することを特に啓発すべきである。
The average treatment duration for an episode is six months, and there is a high risk of future episodes; thus, both patients and their families must be made aware of these facts.
The treatment plan should take into account the patient’s previous treatment outcomes,the mood-disorder subtype, the severity of the current episode of depression, the risk of suicide,coexisting psychiatric and somatic conditions, non-psychiatiic medications, and psychosocial stressors.
翻訳 治療計画立案については、以前の治療経過、気分障害のサブタイプ(亜型)、現在発生しているエピソードの深刻さの程度、自殺のリスク、付帯する心身両面の状態、他に服用している精神病薬以外の薬、そして心理社会的ストレスなどの側面を考慮すべきである。
(6-7)stressor ストレス原因 ですが、日本語としては上記でよい。
There are three phases of treatment: the acute, continuation, and maintenance phases.
翻訳 治療には急性期、継続期、維持期の3相がある。
The treatment goal in the acute phase is remission— the induction of a state with minimal symptoms —in which the criteria for a major depressive episode have abated and marked improvement in psychosocial functioning has occurred, on the basis of reports from the patient and the patient’s family.
翻訳 急性期治療の目的は、寛解である。寛解とは、症状が最小限にとどまり、大うつ病エピソードの診断基準に挙げられた症状が緩和され、社会心理的機能に顕著な改善が見られ、それが患者自身と家族の報告に裏付けられることである。
(7-1)remission 寛解:一時的部分的改善 recovery 回復:完全改善
Figure 2 presents a basic algorithm for the acute phase of treatment of a major depressive episode in a patient with major depressive disorder, on the basis of the current literature and treatment models, which were developed as part of several large-scale studies of treatment algorithms.
翻訳 図2に、大うつ病エピソードの急性期における基本的な治療アルゴリズムを示す。これは、既存の文献および治療モデルを土台にしており、治療アルゴリズムに関する大規模な研究活動数種の一部として開発されたものである。
Hospitalization is needed if symptoms are severe (dehydration, delusion and psychomotor agitation) and there is a risk of suicide (previous suicide attempts or current plan for suicide).
翻訳 重症例では入院治療を要し、脱水症、妄想、精神運動性激越といった症状の場合があげられる。また自殺の可能性を有する(前回自殺未遂にとどまったか、現在自殺を計画している)場合も入院が必要である。
Antidepressants are the treatment of choice of moderate-to-severe episodes of depression.
翻訳 抗うつ薬は、中等度~重篤なうつエピソードの治療選択肢である。
Since most antidepressants that are used for major depressive disorder have similar effectiveness, the choice of medication depends on depressive symptoms (psychotic or suicidal), the history of responses to medication (including that of first-degree relatives), medication tolerability, adverse effects, and the likelihood of adherence.
翻訳 大うつ病に用いられる治療薬のほとんどが同等程度の効果を持っているので、うつの症状(精神病性または自殺に直結する症状)、治療への反応履歴(第一親等の家族を含む)、薬物治療への耐性、有害副作用、そして治療方針を遵守するかどうか、といった患者の状況と傾向に応じて選択の余地がある。
Other considerations are concurrent medical conditions, use of nonpsychiatric drugs, and cost of medication. Table 3 lists suggested first-line medications.
SSRIs and other newer antidepressant drugs with a greater safety margin constitute first-line medications for moderate-to-severe depression,particularly for outpatients, for patients treated by primary care physicians, and for patients with cardiovascular disease.
翻訳 SSRIおよびその他の新規抗うつ薬は、安全域が非常に広く、中等度~重篤なうつ病の治療手段としては優先度が最も高い。特に、外来患者、プライマリー・ケアの医師から治療を受ける患者、心血管系疾患が併存している患者に第一選択である。
Depression in persons 65 years of age or older generally requires relatively Iow doses of antidepressants, and SSRIs appear to be preferable to nonselective norepinephrine-reuptake inhibitors, such as tricyclic antidepres-sants, because of the lower risk of anticholinergic and cardiovascular side effects.
The acute treatment phase usually lasts 6 to 10 weeks (Table 1).
The patient should be evaluated weekly or twice monthly by the treating physician until substantial improvement is achieved.
The decision to increase the dose, change the medication, or add another mediations is modeled in Figure 2.
翻訳 薬の用量増加、種類変更、種類追加の判断については、図2に示す。
Outpatients at risk for suicide should not be given large supplies of antidepressant drugs that could not be lethal in the case of an overdose (Talbe1.)
翻訳 自殺のリスクがある外来患者には、大量の抗うつ薬を処方すべきではない。飲み過ぎた場合にも死に至らないようにするためである。(表1)
The response of patients to treatment requires systematic monitoring.
A practical set of criteria include nonresponse, a decrease in baseline severity of 25 percent or Iess; partial response, a 26 to 49 percent decrease in baseline severity; partial remission, a 50 percent or greater decrease in baseline severity (residual symptoms); and remission, an absence of symptoms.
翻訳 実践的なモニタリング指標としては、「無反応」(基準となる重篤な症状の減少率が25%以下)、「部分的反応」(基準となる重篤な症状の減少率が26~49%)、「部分的寛解」(基準となる重篤な症状の減少率が50%以上、これを残遺症状と呼ぶ)、そして症状が見られなくなる「寛解」が含まれる。
Options for the evaluation of the response include rating scales (Table 4) and the global judgment of the treating clinician on the basis of patient and family reports.
The best predictors of outcome are improvements in anhedonia (loss of pleasure), psychomotor retardation, and loss of interest, which are assessed by asking questions that go beyond “depressed mood.”
翻訳 予後の最重要因子は、無快感症(喜びの喪失)、精神運動抑制、興味の喪失である。これらを普通の「抑うつ感」のインタビューよりも細かく質問して評価する。
Suicidal ideation or risk of suicide, pessimism, guilt, and other changes in cognition may take Ionger to improve than vegetative symptoms, such as alterations in sleep or appetite.
翻訳 自殺念慮あるいは自殺のリスク、悲観的な考え方、罪悪感その他の認知症状の改善が認められるのは、睡眠パターンや食欲の変化といった自律神経的症状に比べやや時間を要するだろう。
If initial treatment is not tolerated or the response is unsatisfactory (< 50 percent improvement), a change in medication or approach is indicated.
Thirty to 50 percent of patients have substantial residual symptoms after adequate first-line treatment (Table 3).
If there has been no improvement after four weeks of treatment with an adequate dose of a given medication, the ultimate response is almost certainly going to be inadequate.
Among patients receiving the same dose of a given drug, blood levels may vary by as much as a factor of 20 because of individual variations in drugmetabolism.
Such variations are caused by genetic differences, the effects of drugs on liver enzymes,and the effects of aging.
Before medications are switched, consideration should be given to the diagnosis, the medication dose, and adherence to the drug regimen.
Coexisting medical conditions, alcoholism, substance-use disorder, or the use of nonpsychianic medications such as beta-blockers may also underlie treatment failures.
Nonresponse to medication requires a treatment change (Fig. 2).
Switching to an antidepressant from a different pharmacologic class minimizes polypharmacy and reduces the risk of adverse drug interactions and side effects seen with combinations of similar drugs.
The disadvantage of switching agents may be the loss of a possible partial response from the initial drug and a delay in the onset of antidepressant action from the second.
The initial medication may need to be tapered to avoid symptoms of discontinuation, such as nausea, headache, and sensory changes.
Switching from irreversible MAOIs to most other agents requires a minimum drug-free period of two weeks.
Switching to a new antidepressant from the same pharmacologic class is one option.
Patients who do not have a response to one SSRI have a 40 to 70 percent chance of having a response to a second SSRI.
Another approach is the use of two antidepressants from different classes with complementary mechanisms of action to avoid loss of a partial response to the first medication.
This approach increases the risk of drug interactions and new side effects, as well as the cost of treatment.
Augmenting antidepressant medication with other agents, so-called augmenting agents, that may enhance antidepressant efficacy avoids the transition from the first to the second antidepressant and builds on partial remission.
Lithium is a first-line augmenting agent.
Two to four weeks of lithium treatment are needed before the response can be assessed.
Lamotrigine is an effective augmenting agent for patients who do not have an adequate response to fluoxetine.
Antipsychotic agents may augment the response in nonpsychotic major depression.
Thyroid supplements have been advocated even in the absence of clinical hypothyroidism for the purpose of enhancing antidepressant action.
Modafinil is a stimulant and as an adjunct may alleviate residual sleepiness and fatigue.
Mood disorders with delusions or hallucinations respond better to an antidepressant-antipsychotic combination than to either alone.
Some patients with this constellation of symptoms will require electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), and almost all must be treated initially as inpatients.
翻訳 妄想や幻覚を伴う気分障害の場合、ECT(電気けいれん療法)が必要となる人もいて、その場合にはほぼ必ず入院で治療を開始する必要がある。
Benzodiazepines are used as an adjunct for anxiety and insomnia in 30 to 60 percent of cases, and in that group improve response and reduce the frequency of treatment discontinuation.
However, the drugs cause sedation, psychomotor and cognitive impairment, memory loss, and dependence and withdrawal syndromes and are associated with increased rates of falls, fractures, traffic accidents, and death among the elderly.
The adjunctive use of benzodiazepines should be of limited duration to avoid dependence, and these drugs should be used with caution in the elderly and those with a history of alcohol or drug abuse or dependency.
The continuation phase of treatment, generally lasting six to nine months after the induction of remission, aims to eliminate residual symptoms,
restore the prior level of functioning, and prevent recurrence or early relapse.
Residual symptoms (partial remission) are strong predictors of recurrence, early relapse, or a more chronic future course.
翻訳 残存症状(部分的寛解)は、再発、早期再燃、あるいは将来にわたる慢性化の予後を予測する大きな手がかりとなる。
Treatment should continue until such symptoms have resolved.
Episodes lasting more than 6 months and psychotic depression require a longer continuation phase, up to 12 months.
The same medications and doses used to achieve relief in the acute phase are used during the continuation phase.
If there is no recurrence or relapse during continuation therapy, gradual discontinuation may be planned for most patients after at least six months of treatment.
Early discontinuation is associated with a 77 percent higher risk of relapse as compared with continuation treatment.
The tapering of medication over several weeks also permits detection of returning symptoms that require reinstitution of a fuII medication dose for another three to six months.
It also minimizes the discontinuation syndrome, which otherwise may last days or longer and consists of physical symptoms of imbalance, gastrointestinal and influenza-like symptoms,and sensory and sleep disturbances, as well as psychological symptoms such as anxiety, agitation, crying spells, and irritability.
The discontinuation syndrome is sometimes called the withdrawal syndrome, erroneously implying drug dependence.
(14-3)continuation phase 継続期 再燃を防ぎつつ好調を継続している時期
meintenance phase 維持期 再発を防ぎつつ好調を継続している時期
Maintenance treatment for 12 to 36 months reduces the risk of recurrence by two thirds.
This approach is indicated for patients with episodes that occur yearly, who have impairment because of mild residual symptoms, who have chronic major depression or dysthymia, or who have extremely severe episodes with a high risk of suicide.
The duration of maintenance treatment will depend on the natural history of the illness and may be prolonged or indefinite in the case of recurrent illness.
The first choice of medication for the maintenance phase is the antidepressant that brought about remission.
Lithium has no advantage over antidepressants for prophylaxis but may reduce the risk of suicide independently of its effect on mood.
Tricyclic antidepressants, SSRIs, MAOIs,and the newer antidepressants (mirtazepine and venlafaxine) all help to prevent recurrence.
三環系の抗うつ薬、SSRI、MAOIまた新規抗うつ薬(mirtazepine と venlafaxine)などはすべて再発防止の効果がある。
Medication tolerability is particularly important during the maintenance phase, because it affects patients’ adherence to treatment.
Stable patients should see a psychopharmacologist at intervals of three to six months while they are receiving medication.
It is important to monitor adherence and breakthrough symptoms so that problems are detected early.
Patient and family education reduces treatment attrition and improves the outcome.